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The Evolution of Transportation – G1

Hello, everyone!


This week we learned about the different landscapes in different communities. Through looking at different pictures, we were able to compare and contrast the landscapes around the world. We described how each looked like and the different things we see in each landscape. Moreover, we listed down the different types of transportation that we could use in each landscape and why it is needed in such kind of community.


Then, we tried to imagine how Matsumoto City will look like in 50 years. These are some of the questions we tried asking ourselves: Will it change its landscape? Will it change its kind of transportation? How will the community affect the types of transportation? How will the different types of transportation affect the community? After brainstorming with the class and with our teams, we then answered the question by drawing an example of Matsumoto City in the future (after 50 years). We drew the landscape it will have and the types and modes of transportation that the city will use in the future.


The last day of that week was about the types of transportation used in the past, present and future. We watched videos on the different kinds of trains and how it evolved over time. From the steam locomotives to the super maglev trains. We described the physical characteristics and the different features.


For us to be able to learn more about the evolution of transportation, we were asked to search online using the Kiddle search engine since classes were held online for two days. We were tasked to use a total of nine (9) cards. Each card will contain a picture of the type of transportation and the details or information below each picture. We have to indicate whether it is in the past, present or future time. Three cards for each mode of transportation: land transportation, air transportation and water transportation. Most of us are not familiar with the past and future types of transportation and so using the internet as source was easier aside from asking our parents and grandparents at home. By next week we will be sharing our work to the class since only some of us were able to share this week.


Hope you are all safe and healthy. Please enjoy the weekend. Thank you for reading!
