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Grade 1- Light

It has been a short week, but filled with fun-learning activities for first graders. We started our week with an Earthquake Drill. It was my first time having an earthquake drill with them, but it was a fantastic one in the sense that they knew exactly what to do and where to go. Keep it up!

We have learned about “Light “ this week. We made a mind map about our prior knowledge, watched a video to enhance our knowledge, shared our ideas, did an experiment, and finally made a Kaleidoscope craft. As Scientists, we again observed and recorded our observations as part of our reflection about the matter. We learned new words like; transparent, opaque, and translucent.
Transparent objects allow all the light to pass through them, translucent ones allow partial light to pass, whereas opaque ones allow no light to pass through.
Thank you  Milky Way and Rainforest parents for coming to the school  Open Day.
今週は「ライト(光)」について学びました。これまでの知識についてマインドマップを作りました。さらに、知識を深めるためにビデオを見て、自分たちのアイディアを共有しました。実験も行いました。そしてついに、クラフトの万華鏡を作りました!科学者として、振り返りの一部として、このことについて観察して観察結果を記録しました。 transparent(透明), opaque(不透明),translucent(半透明)などの単語も学びました。

For our P. E lesson, we went to the park near Lala Matsumoto for the first time to jog. It was fun!
Have a great weekend everyone.