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Let’s go to the zoo(LagoonーMarch 1st−5th)

Hello everyone,

We welcome a new friend who joined the class from this month.

皆さんこんにちは。今週はOpen Dayがありました。子ども達はお家の方の顔を見て大喜び、そしてとても誇らしげでした(^ ^)普段頑張っている様子を見ていただくことができて、私達もとても嬉しく感じました。お越しいただいた保護者の皆様、ありがとうございました!!


Spring has come! The cold of winter melts away and spring brings a new beginning. This month we are learning about zoo animals. Our little learners are so excited talking about the animals they saw at the zoo and described them. We made our craft about those animals and they chose one animal from four pictures we showed to them. Among them were turtle and crocodile which they made a green handprint and dry, yellow handprint for giraffe, and gray for elephant. Some parts of the body, we used thin paintbrush, black marker and some colored pens. They all looked nice and cute.


We can jump up high

On this week’s gym, the children were challenged to jump up high as they can to reach the rope the teacher were holding. We encouraged them to extend their hands while jumping to touch the rope. “They did it!” and were motivated to do it many times.

今週のジムでは、先生達が高く持ったロープをジャンプしてタッチする運動をしました。走ってきて!手を伸ばして!・・・できた!!手が届いて嬉しい子ども達は、何度も何度も繰り返しジャンプしていました(^ ^)

The wheels on the bus

It’s our music class day. While we wait for the lesson to start, we played the music “The wheels on the bus” and lined up the chairs as if were getting on the bus to the zoo. Our kids enjoyed a lot at the zoo, the children imitated the animal movement. “I’m a monkey, ” I’m a lion! “I’m a crocodile!”

Our music class was full of fun singing together with friends while following the teachers.

教室内にバスが登場!子ども達は好きな席に座り、大好きな歌“The wheels on the bus”を歌いながら、向かった先は動物園!皆でいろいろな動物に変身して遊びました(^ ^)“お猿さん!”“ライオンさん!”“ワニさん!”と、みんな上手になりきっていました😊


The weather was good and quite warm. We had a nice walk outside and played at the yard. Our young learners had fun playing together with friends, using chalk writing on the concrete, picking up dried leaves and running around.


Thank you for reading our blog.

Have a nice weekend.
