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G1 – Play with Love and Care

We are the First Graders and we love to play!

This month of May we learned things about how to behave when playing with our friends. We just don’t build good relationships inside our classroom but even when we are playing! We first described how a playground looks like and how students should act during play time. After listing all of our ideas, we then started drawing and coloring on a really BIG and long paper. We called it our “Good Relationship Playground Banner.”
5月は、お友達と遊ぶときのマナーについて学びました。教室の中だけではなく、遊びの中でも良好な関係を築くことができます。私たちはまず、遊び場がどのようなものか、そして遊びの時間に生徒がどのように行動すべきかを話し合いました。子ども達のアイデアをすべてリストアップした後、私たちはとても大きい紙に絵を描き始めました。私たちはそれを “Good Relationship Playground Banner “と名付けました。

We all had to share a spot and all the coloring materials. We had so much fun with the activity but pastels always left our hands so messy.

I hope we continue to remember on how to build healthy relationships over the long-term. Social skills are also important for us First Graders and we all start learning these not just in our classrooms but more in the school playground.

By the way, here are pictures of one of our morning meetings. We get to sing a lot and share our goals every morning. We also share to the class at the end of the day if we were able to achieve our goals and how we did it.

Hope you learned something from us today. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Thanks for reading!