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Grade 4, 5 and 6: Like a fish in water

Hello, everyone and happy new year! We hope you’ve had a relaxing holiday and are ready for new challenges! 🏆

皆さん、あけましておめでとうございます。のんびりと年末年始を過ごして、 新年の目標に向けて準備を整えられたことと思います。

This week the grade 4, 5 and 6 students started their fifth Unit of inquiry of this year, one about sustainability. The Central idea is “We must take action in order to sustain life on Earth” and the students already shared their ideas on all kinds of behavior that might lead to the disappearance of life on Earth, such as pollution, using non-renewable sources of energy, global warming and the behavior that might lead us to achieve sustainability, such as improvements in architecture and engineering. The students presented their vision of what Matsumoto city will look like in 100 years, which ranged from optimistic to pessimistic. 🌿


From this weekend, the students will go to swimming lessons each morning until the end of February. In the first, introductory lesson, they met their coach and showed their swimming skills and versatility by using different swimming styles. Everyone was tired and hungry after the lesson, but agreed that it was a lot of fun. The swimming lesson on February 27th (9:15-9:50AM) will be open to parents and family members, so please come and support our swimmers! 🏊

今週から来月末まで、スイミングの授業があります。初めに、スイミングの入門レッスンをしました。コーチに挨拶をしてから、自分達の様々なスタイルの泳ぎを見て頂きました。久しぶりのスイミングの後は、みんな疲れた様子でお腹もすいていたようですが、とっても楽しかったようです。2月27日 9:15-9:50AMは、スイミングの授業参観です。ご都合よければぜひお越しください。

Regular afternoon lessons resumed after the break. In English, we are continuing reading the book “Treasure Island”. The book is challenging and filled with new vocabulary, but little by little, the students seem to understand it. In Maths, we practiced calculating speed with different puzzles. In Science, we talked about filtration and sieving and in Geography about oceans and seas. Health brought the topic of bullying and Economics and Society the topic of laws and lawmaking. On Tuesday, the students enjoyed another round of our “jeopardy”-inspired quiz, testing their general knowledge and knowledge acquired throughout the past year. Have a lovely extended weekend, everyone! ☀️

年末年始後、午後の授業が再開しました。英語のクラスでは、 Treasure Island の本を読んでいます。とても読み応えのある本で、新しい語彙が沢山出てきますが、徐々に理解しながら呼んでいます。算数では、様々なパズルを使って速さの計算の練習をしました。サイエンスの授業は、ろ過とふるいについて話しました。地理の授業では、オーシャンとシー(海)について学びました。ヘルスの授業は弱い物いじめについて、経済と社会の授業では法と立法について学びました。火曜日には、自分達の一般知識と昨年に学んだ知識を試すために、ジェパディのクイズを楽しみました。素敵な3日連休をお過ごしください。