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2nd & 3rd Grade: June 24th – 27th

Hello! We had a busy week continuing to learn about economics and exploring the line of inquiry, “the role of economic systems.” We focused on three economic concepts — goods and services, scarcity, and choices – and practiced our critical thinking skills and creativity in the process.

We learned that families are economic systems and families are dependent on others. To explore this concept, we first drew our families at the dinner table. Then we added food on the table. Finally we labeled where the food came from. For example, some students said seed — vegetable — farmer — store — my table. We discovered that something that seems simple, like having food for a family dinner, involves many types of goods and services and many people who provide these goods and services. Economies are complex.

To solidify our understanding of goods and services we then sorted pictures into categories. Is this a good or a service? We had fun completing this hand-on activity.

Scarcity was the second topic we explored. Economics is about how people make decisions based on the resources that they have. We watched a video about scarcity, time and money and practiced taking notes. Ms. Rie taught us note-taking strategies. Taking notes helps us stay focused and promotes understanding. We then played a scarcity game with pencils. We have 17 students in our class but only nine people were able to purchase a pencil. The pencils were a limited resource.

Things are scare. Money is scare. Time is scare. So how do people make decisions and choices? To explore this concept we completed an activity — What Would We Buy?  We each decided individually how to spend $5, given an assortment of items to buy at various prices. Some of us decided to save, while some of us used our money for lots of chocolates! We learned about choices. We also practiced our addition and subtraction skills.

Mr. Jonathan helped us so much this week! We learned so much! Thank you, Mr. Jonathan!

As our next activity, we read a book called “Sam and his Lucky Money.” Sam has New Year’s gift money to spend. What does he decide to buy? How does he decide?  We took notes again while we read the book to keep us focused. For our reflections, we had to decide which IB learner profile Sam exhibited. Many students said “caring” since Sam decided to give his money to a homeless man instead of spending it on himself.

We then explored how people get the things they need. We learned that money was created to simplify how people traded. It’s fast and efficient. However, before money, people bartered. We learned several new words and checked our learning with a matching activity. Then we completed a bartering game using stickers. Students reflected on the stickers they had at the beginning of the game and those they had at the end of the game. Most of us were happier after we bartered because we had stickers that we liked and wanted.

For guided reading, we continued reading Tommy Tales books. For our assessments, we made story cubes. Story cubes provide a fun way to summarize key elements of a story. We learned words such as characters, setting, conflict, resolution, and theme. Many of these words are new vocabulary words for us! Story cubes display our understanding of our readings and improve our writing skills.

We are working really hard during contract time! We focused on handwriting and spelling, Fry words, essay writing and reading. We did math and art. The essay writing and art activities were related to our unit of inquiry topic. Ms. Ellen thinks our time management skills have improved!

Music is fun at International School of Nagano!

In P.E. we are continuing to prepare for Sports Day. This week we started dance workshops with Mr. Atsushi. Mr. Atsushi was a professional dancer. He is teaching us about rhythm and movement. Thank you for your time and support, Mr. Atsushi! Your workshops are really fun!

It was a beautiful day in Matsumoto to do P.E. outside.

Everyday we reflect on our day in our diaries. We do an activity called two stars and a wish. The first star is related to what we did well during our unit of inquiry time. The second star is related to how we displayed our learner profiles, skills or attitudes. The wish is a goal for the next day.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading! See you next time!



次に探究したトピックは不足です。経済は自分が持っている資源に基づいて人々がどう決めるかです。不足、時間とお金についてのビデオを見て、ノートを取る練習をしました。Miss Rieがノートの取り方を教えてくれました。ノートを取ることは集中し続け理解促進を図るのに役立ちます。それから、鉛筆でゲームをしました。クラスには17人いますが、9人だけが鉛筆を買えるというゲームです。鉛筆は限られた資源です。






自習時間はみんなよく頑張ってやっています。サイトワード(Fry word)、エッセイ、リーディング、ハンドライティングとスペルを集中的に学習しました。算数とアートも行いました。エッセイを書くこととアートは、探究の単元のトピックに関係しています。進級して3ヶ月が経ちましたが、みんなの時間管理が向上してきたと思います。

音楽の授業も楽しみました。体育の授業では、スポーツデイに向けて練習をしています。今週はMr. Atsushiとダンスの練習を始めました。Mr. Atsushiはプロのダンサーでした。リズムと動きについて教えてくれました。とても楽しいレッスンをありがとうございました。梅雨の晴れ間の外での体育の様子を写真でご覧ください。
