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2nd & 3rd Grade: June 17th – 20th

The 2nd and 3rd graders at international elementary had a fun week! For our unit of inquiry, we continued talking about industries and focused on communication. Communication methods, such as phones, computers and TVs, have dramatically changed people’s lives. We learned about the telegraph and Morse code. Then we practiced being inquirers by making our own secret messages using codes that we made up. This fun hands-on activity showed how much easier communication is today. Instead of revealing the central idea and unit topic at the beginning of the unit, we waited until this week. Through a process of reviewing past activities, we were able to discover the central idea on our own. Then we studied the three lines of inquiry by completing sentence scrambles, drawing pictures and looking up words in the dictionary. It’s important to practice our analysis skills. The central idea and lines of inquiry are now hanging on our wall so that we can always refer back them. 

We also focused on the 2nd line of inquiry about economic systems. To introduce economics is we learned about producers and consumers, goods and services and money. We completed various activities to make sure we understood these concepts. The final activity was the most impressive! We used our critical thinking and creativity skills to come up with our own lists of goods and services and explained why.

We are continuing with the fiction series, Tommy Tales, during guided reading. We read books three through seven and wrote summaries for each of them. During contract time we changed our system to better promote self-management skills. Monday and Tuesdays we will focus on literary skills. This week we did reading, writing, spelling and Fry words. On Wednesdays and Thursdays we will work on art and math skills. Our art focused on the different industries we had studied. Then on Fridays we will use our computers. Tomorrow we are planning to make a video and type up our essays.

   For P.E. class, we selected the song we will use for Sports Day and we began practicing the dances.  Library time! Coloring in the morning!   Organizing unit two’s portfolios!  Japanese class with Ms. Keiko! We had our first cooking lesson this week. The lesson will be once a month. We made chocolate chip muffins!  Next week we are excited to continue learning about economics in Matsumoto! Have a great weekend!



フィクションシリーズ Tommy Talesもガイディッドリーディングの時間に読んでいます。7巻のうち3巻読みました。そして、サマリーを書きました。


体育の授業では、スポーツデイに使う曲を選び、ダンスの練習を始めました。そして、木曜日は初めての料理教室を行いました。料理教室は今後月一回行っていく予定です。チョコレートチップのカップケーキを作りました!来週は、松本の経済について学ぶ予定です。楽しみですね! 良い週末をお過ごしください。