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Questions! Questions! Questions!

From “Where do diamonds come from?” to “Why do all the countries have money?”, students in ISN Elementary Class have been buzzing with big requests for information about the amazing world around them.
Our current IB unit “What if….” from the theme “Sharing the planet” is encouraging inquiry into what it is like to live in Matsumoto, Japan, and what it would be like to live somewhere else in the world. It is also
stimulating students to think about the things they would like to do when they are older – a career, a sport, a hobby, an adventure… – and what they might need to do to prepare for such activities. Everyone is certainly keen to share their ideas, record their plans, and ask a multitude of questions. Another very rewarding inquiry!
From academic activity to physical activity, tomorrow is our very exciting sports festival. It is definitely a wonderful time for our ISN community to celebrate our talented students and their love of physical activities and games. We look forward to sharing this awesome event with all our families and friends.