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For our teambuilding activities, we had the following warm-up games:(1)birthday line up (2) hula hoop pass (3) rock scissors paper tag. A total of three (3) activities for two (2) days.

We included team building for Unit 1 since we have been talking about building good relationships.
Before we started, we had our short reading time in class. This is our most favorite part when we get to choose the books we read and share it with friends. Reading time means quiet time. That’s how focused we are. Not most of the time but we’re getting there.

We then talked about the rules of the games. We first didn’t focus on how they should act/behave during the game. We just let played right away.

During the game, here are some of the things that took place:
1. Some of us were a bit bossy and wants to control their team.
2. Some kept shouting at the other team members.
3. Others were focusing only on winning the game.
4. Some were crying because they lost
5. Some were bragging they won
6. Some were angry at those who won and to those didn’t do their best

After the game, we talked about these things inside the classroom.
We first discussed what we really mean by team building and why it is important.
Second, we reviewed about the things that happened during the game and if the rules of the game were followed by each team. We also discussed how we acted/behaved during the game whether it was proper/correct. After realizing that we didn’t do well during the game because of our behavior, we then reviewed the different ways on how to build good relationships not just inside the classroom but even when we play.

Third, we shared our ideas on what the members of the team must do to avoid the conflicts that happened that day because in Grade 1 we are one BIG team.
Here are some of our ideas:
1.Help/encourage/support each other
2.Say kind words to each other: instead of saying “hurry, hurry!” let’s say “go, you can do it!”
3.Work together as a team
4.Respect everyone’s ideas
5.Losers: Say congratulations to the winner, be happy if the others are doing better, to try harder next time, be grateful
6.Winners: Say thank you, tell the losers that they can also do it, be humble
7.Have fun because it is a game
8.Remember that gaining friends is more important than gaining points

Last thing we did was to write a guidebook on the tips that we would like to share on how to maintain good relationships.
We only need to write three tips. Each page must also include a picture/drawing about the tip we have listed. Most were able to finish before the time but some of us didn’t finish right away so sharing time will be next week.

These activities enable us to develop much higher levels of respect, tolerance, empathy and compassion. Hope you get to see the photos of our guidebook next week.

Thanks for reading this far!