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We like Fruits, they are yummy- Meadow/Rainbow(July 25th-29th)

フルーツ大好き 美味しいね



Hello everyone,


How time flies and finally the long awaited end of rainy season is here. It’s getting hotter each day but the children are energetic as ever.


We have been enjoying our lesson about fruits this month. In a summary, our youngsters were able to say phrases like “It’s a/an… apple, strawberry, cherry. They were also able to recognize their colors and sizes. It’s a peach! It’s pink! It’s big! It’s small!. And today, here comes everyone’s most awaited day, the fruit tasting day! After the nap time, our little ones moved fast changing their clothes and were excited for today’s snack. We have prepared assorted fruits like watermelon, banana, pineapple, and lemon. Before they touch their plates, we reviewed the name of fruits and asked them what do they have on their plates. They wore smiles on their faces as they tasted the fruits and said it’s yummy! When they have a bite of lemon, they said “It’s sour!” but some friends couldn’t stop eating them while showing a sour expression of their faces.

今月、子どもたちはフルーツについて学んでいます。まとめとして、みんな “It’s a/an… apple, strawberry, cherry. のように言うことが出来るようになりました。また色や形も理解しています。桃!ピンク色!大きい!小さい!など言うことができます。そして、今日みんなが待ち望んでいた、フルーツ試食の日!です。お昼寝後、子どもたちはすぐに洋服に着っこ替えて、今日のおやつを楽しみにしていました。すいか、バナナ、パイナップル、レモンなど様々なフルーツ盛り合わせを用意しました。お皿に触る前にフルーツの名前を復習し、子供達にお皿に何があるのか聞いてみました。みんな笑顔を見せて、フルーツを味わう度に美味しい!と言っていました。レモンを一口かじると「酸っぱい!」と言いましたが、何人かは酸っぱい表情をしても食べるのをやめませんでした。

Fish net scooping


On these hot days, getting in the water was so much fun. Our youngsters enjoyed scooping the fish and putting them in their buckets. We used the food tray to make fish and use milk packs to make a scoop. They appreciated it and were delighted to fill their buckets with water and scooped much fish over and over again.


Stranger Drill


Today, we conducted a stranger drill. Because of the pandemic we just did it in each class. The office staff knocked on the door and said, “There’s a stranger!” We locked the door and our boys and girls behaved well and kept quiet following the teacher’s instruction to stay in one corner of the room away from the door. When the stranger was gone, we explained to them the things to remember when there is A stranger. They are:


IKA- which means いかない /don’t follow.  知らない人に付いていかない

NO- のらない/ Don’t get on the car     知らない人の車に乗らない

O -大きいな声で叫ぶ/ Shout        

SU- 素早く逃げる/ Run away as soon as possible

SHI- 知らせる/ Tell the teacher or parents   誰か大人に知らせる

They listened carefully while we explained and demonstrated how dangerous it is when a stranger offer them something and asked them to go. Good job, Meadow and Rainbow!

子供達に説明し、不審者が何かをあげる代わりに一緒に付いていく事がいかに危険かを実演してみせた時みんな真剣に聞いていました。良くお話を聞けたね。   RainbowとMeadowクラスの子供達!

July birthday


This month, we have 3 birthday celebrants in the class. All friends gather and sang Happy birthday to them. They were amazed receiving a birthday card from the teacher. Happy 3rd Birthday our adorable kids, We are excited to seeing your growth everyday.

今月、レインボークラスでは3名のお友達のお誕生日をお祝いしました。クラス全員で Happy birthday の歌を歌いました。先生達からカードを受け取り驚いた様子でした。可愛らしい3人のお友達、お誕生日おめでとう!毎日、成長を見守るのを楽しみにしています。

Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend.

