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Drop-dead Symmetrical Butterfly-Shooting Star-July 31st-August 4th

見とれるような蝶々 7月31日から8月4日 Shooting Starクラスより

Hello Everyone,


Heat waves are getting hotter these days. Thanks to our school pool which really helps us cool down all day. Even if some students feel cold getting in the big pool, it’s still okay because we have a small pool where they can enjoy playing in the water with their homemade toys.


This week we made a symmetrical butterfly craft. Students were given a white cardstock with a butterfly drawing and they used scissors to practice their fine motor skills by carefully cutting out to form a butterfly. Then teachers set out a variety of paint colors on the table for students to choose from and detailedly explained the process of doing it. Everyone was on the go and can’t wait to start making their own symmetrical butterfly. On your mark, get set, GO! Students went around and chose the paint colors and have them drizzled on the half side of the cardstock. Then, folded the paper plate closed, and pressed and rubbed to blend the paint colors. The result? It’s a drop-dead gorgeous symmetrical butterfly.


We got better and better each day in our Sports Festival practice. We do our best to remember the steps especially for our parachute performance. Now, we are able to follow instructions and became more focused and engaged. Let’s do our very best, Shooting Star!

日に日にスポーツフェスティバルの練習が上達してきています。子供達は特にパラシュートの披露の振り付けを覚えようと頑張っています。今ではみんな先生の指示に合わせて出来て更に集中して取り組むようになりました。全力で頑張ろう。Shooting Starクラスの子供達!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
