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FOOD SOURCES-Aurora Aug 28th-Sept 1st

Hi everyone!

This week, we had our further discussion in our LOI3. Some of our youngsters shared their ideas in front of the class about the things animals give us. After that, we did an activity where they cut and paste the foods from their animal source. Most of them can now use scissors and cut the paper well. Good job, Aurora!

In addition, we also talked about other sources of food such as plants. We learned that some food we eat like bread, it comes from wheat, tomato ketchup comes from tomatoes, and chips comes from potatoes.

Sports Festival is coming!!!

Our young ones are doing their best during the practice for their dance performance and games. Everybody is so excited! Our this year’s theme is about “Travel Around the World”. We watched some videos to explain what travel the around the world means and to get ready to make some crafts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!