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G2 – Visit to Matsumoto Open-Air Museum (06/28-07/02)

This week started with PE. The students did some stretching with Ms. Shino, their PE teacher, and played volleyball which they found really fun. This sport requires a lot of teamwork, trust and patience. At first, some of the teams struggled a little, but by being trustful and patient, they were able to adjust and enjoy the sport later on!


For UOI this week, the students are tasked to research and prepare a poster of timeline of a type of technology. There were three teams — music, communication and movie. Each team will research and create a timeline of the technology assigned to them. They will then create a poster using all the information they gathered from research.


They cooperated very well and divided the tasks so they could all do the work equally. There might have been a few misunderstandings within some groups but they were all able to solve them by being thinkers, caring and open-minded.

Today, we went to Matsumoto City Open-Air Architectural Museum ( 松本市歴史の里 ) and visited the Former Showa Kogyo Silk Factory, Birthplace of Naoe Kinoshita (former low-ranking samurai) and an old lodging facility for female workers. The museum has a total of 5 historic buildings that were built from the late Edo period to the Showa period.

They were astonished to see some very old appliances that were used in the late Edo period. Most of them liked the bunker or the “secret hiding room” where the women who lived in the lodging facility hid in cases of tragedies or accidents. The students tried to go inside the hiding room for a few seconds. Some thought it was fun while some thought being in a dark enclosed space was terrifying!

For reflection, I asked them to draw the old appliances/things they saw at the museum and compare them to the modern ones we have today. One of the things they drew was an old refrigerator which was literally just a big deep space under the first floor of the facility made out of wood.

It would have been so much better if we could visit all 5 buildings but the students had fun nonetheless! Being inside those facilities felt real, as if we were really in the late Edo period. It was fun not only for the students but also for the teachers!

Thank you for reading and have a fantastic weekend!