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Obstacles to victory

The last week of school before the summer is now behind the Upper Elementary Class. 😊
The students have spent it finishing their Unit of Inquiry by completing their three final assessment tasks. The interviews they did with their parents and teachers who have migrated all turned out very succesfull and we have all learned a lot about everyone’s families and what might push a person to migrate. The students’ video games were a success as well and everyone enjoyed playing their classmates’ games and learning more their Unit of inquiry that way.
The third part of the assessment was the second issue of the ISN Upper Elemetary Class published newspaper, ISpotNews. The second issue is even richer in content than the previous one, so please enjoy the articles and the content the students have written and selected for all of their readers. 📰
The students have also spent some of their time practicing games and activities for the Sports Day, which was this Friday. Everyone showed incredible team spirit, co-operation and commitment and the parents seemed to have a lot of fun as well! It was very hot and quite tiring, but most of the students seemed to enjoy the Obstacle course the most! Good work and congratulations, everyone!
Let’s meet again from next week for the Summer programme! 🌞

3つの最終評価タスクを完了して、2つめの探究の概念(Unit of Inquiry)を終えました。
金曜日の運動会に向けて、ゲームやアクティビティの練習にも励みました。一人一人がすばらしいチームワークの精神、協力、コミットメントを見せてくれました。とても暑くて疲れたと思いますが、保護者の皆さんにも楽しんでいただけたと思います。如何でしたか? 殆どの子どもが、障害物競走を一番楽しんでいたように見えました。みんな、頑張ったね!おめでとう!