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Grade 5, 6 and 7: First week of online lessons

Hello, everyone! Grade 5, 6 and 7 students returned to school this week in a new way: through online lessons! The students got acquainted with the new system quickly and seemed to enjoy exploring all the new ways they can interact with each other! The students are coming to school one-class-at-a-time, which means the Grade 5, 6 and 7 students get to visit their classroom on Tuesdays, but are doing online lessons for the rest of the week. 🖥️


They started inquiry into the first Unit of Inquiry of this school year, with the Central Idea being “Understanding social groups helps us interact with one another”. During the course of the Unit, the students will learn about what social groups are, the importance of individuality within social groups and how those things affect us and shape our personalities. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑


The students watched videos on the topic and recognized main elements of social groups, such as signs of recognizing a social group, the fact that membership in social groups in not always one’s choice and the positive effects that membership can have on a person. 🍀


In their afternoon lessons, the students started reading and discussing poetry (English Literature), learning about Ancient China (History), solar eclipses and phases of the moon (Science) and the importance of the constitution (Social Studies). They are also practicing their multiplication skills by multiplying percentages and decimal numbers (Math) and learning new dance skills and practicing a dance routine (P.E.). 📖


Stay safe from the virus this weekend and see you again (virtually) next week! 🌸
