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Grade 5, 6 and 7: Research

Hello, everyone!
The weather has been rainy again all week, but we managed to catch one day of sun on Monday! Grade 5, 6 and 7 were quick to use it to their advantage, and we went exploring around the campus’ neighborhood, with the purpose of completing their summative assessment task. 🌻

Since this Unit focused on great explorers and we discussed ways in which all of us can become the same, the student acted as explorers in their own right, finding interesting things in their environment and, upon going back to school, researching the answers to their questions and finding an way to present them that is understandable to their classmates. 🌉

The questions were varied:
– What types of plants grow in our neighborhood?
– How do traffic lights work?
– Why is there more houses made of wood then out of concrete?
– Why does water get dirty and how do we clean it?
– What is moss and where does it grow?
– How are bridges built?

but they gave an opportunity to the students to learn about something they chose and something that interests them, and their hard work is definitely about to pay off next week, when they present their findings. With this, the students will finish the current Unit of Inquiry and get ready for the Summer programme. 🦩

We have also finished the research we have been doing in our afternoon lessons. The students learned about modern-day China as a continuation of their learning of Ancient China, tested their knowledge of forces in physics by designing a kite, learned more about various types of figurative speech in English literature, thought of healthy and balanced meal plans for themselves in Health and designed their own social media app in Social Studies, one that enhances all the good and minimizes all the bad sides of normal social media. 💻
We all hope you have a wonderful weekend!