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Fjords, deserts, mountains and rivers

Viewing pictures of some our planet’s most stunning landscapes, students in ISN Elementary class were excited to discuss what they saw and were able to name quite a few of the physical features.
With much enthusiasm students have completed the first activities introducing our second IB Unit of Inquiry for the 2017/2018 school year:
Transdisciplinary Theme – Where we are in place and time
Central Idea – Geography influences how communities interact with their environment.
In addition to viewing pictures, students also viewed and discussed a short video clip of a landscape in the Yukon Valley, Canada which was taken from a helicopter. The film begins high above a mountain area, skimming across snowy plateaus, then suddenly descends into a deep canyon; finally the film ends flying over wide snow-covered plains teeming with caribou.
Next week students will re-examine the film to identify some of the landforms seen in the clip. Furthermore they will discuss the occupation of a man who is also seen in the film clip. Over the next few weeks as we investigate how communities interact with their environment, we will also refer back to our previous unit on occupations and how these activities interrelates with people’s well-being and in-turn influence their surrounding landscapes.