Hello everyone,
How time flies and we are about to say goodbye to the month of April. Day by day, we enjoy spending time with our youngsters. Most of them gradually get used to school life, enjoy playing with their friends, and are able to call their teachers’ and friends’ names.
In celebration of the “Children’s Day”, we have made our huge “Carp strainer”, while incorporating our topic about “Colors”. We used different colors of paints for the craft. We worked on a large sheet of paper to let our youngsters enjoy the most, working freely. We let them dip their hands and feet in the basin of paint. They gain many sensory benefits as they smell, feel, and touched the paint directly enhancing their senses. Furthermore, the use of their finger painting provides them with concentration, control, and strength which helps develop good motor skills. They had a super fun experience as well as recognizing the colors they used. They enjoyed walking repeatedly on all corners of the wide sheet, with their wet painted feet and looking amazed glancing at it and were very careful not to touch their eyes and lick their fingers . They were the moments we won’t gonna miss capturing.
子どもたちがのびのび自由に楽しめるように、大きな紙を使いました。絵の具をたっぷり入れた洗面器に手や足を浸します。絵の具の匂いを嗅いだり感じたり、触ったりすることで、感覚が高まります。 指を使って絵を描くことによって、集中力、コントロール、力が養われ、運動能力の発達にもつながります。
子どもたちは、自分が使った色を認識しながら、とても楽しい時間を過ごしました。濡れた足で広いシートの隅々まで何度も歩き、絵の具の付いた手で目を触ったり、指をなめたりしないように気をつけながら、とても楽しんで見ていました。 この瞬間を撮り逃す訳にはいきません。
Gym lesson
The fun continues as we had our youngsters’ favorite day of the week, “The gym day!” Starting with the exercise, they exerted a lot of energy stretching their bodies, very much interested to do different positions that made them sweat a lot before we started the climax of the lesson. We make sure to keep them hydrated all the time.
翌日は子どもたちが大好きな “ジムの日 “と、楽しいことが続きます。エクササイズから始まり、みんながんばって体を伸ばし、いろいろなポーズにワクワク取り組みながら汗をたくさんかき、レッスンのクライマックスに入りました。水分補給も欠かしません。
It was short but had a lot of fun week for all. To a friend who has been away for days, we’ve been missing you and we’re looking forward to seeing you after the Golden week holiday!
短い期間でしたが、みんなでとっても楽しく活動した1週間でした!何日もお休みしていたお友達に会いたかったですが、ゴールデンウィーク明けにみんなで元気に会えることを楽しみにしています。 楽しいGWをお過ごしください♪
Have a fantastic Holiday!