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Spring is in the air!

The weather is starting to get warmer, and we can see some flowers and plants blooming here and there. Spring has finally come, a fresh of breath air for everyone!

As we are enjoying the weather outside, we are having fun too in the classroom. We have ended our writing lessons with 2 blend words that have 3 letters: /spr/ and /str/. The kids are so used to phonics and are very comfortable playing with the sounds. They were all engaged in the discussions and have contributed a lot to the lesson.

Our students have given their best to write nicely and correctly. They were all excited to take their notebooks home to show their beloved parents the fruitage of their labor!

We have also been working on our comprehension by reading a short story or a short poem and drawing how we understand the story. This activity helps the students to express their understanding through drawing and to have a deep appreciation of the words’ meaning.
また、短編小説を読んで、物語をどのように理解しているかを絵で表すことをしています。生徒の理解度を絵で表現することにより、言葉の意味を深く理解することを助けます。Silly Poem(おもしろポエム)もみんなで作りました。先生が子どもたちから知っているライミングワードを聞きだし、その単語を使いみんなで文章を作りポエムを完成させました。4センテンスから成るポエムの内容は、とてもおもしろおかしなものでした😂

To practice our reading and our ability to read sight words in a snap. We played a karuta game where the teacher calls out a word, and the students find that word from the cards presented. The kids had so much fun practicing and honing their reading skills while having fun!

It was also this week when we have thrown a send-off party for two of our friends who are embarking on new destinations. We played games and had a wonderful bonding before we presented to them our little bouquet of flowers that will remind them of us. We will miss both of them, and we are looking forward to meeting them again someday! We all wish you the best!
Good byeをする2人のクラスメートには新天地でもお友達をたくさん作り、元気いっぱい育ってほしいです。

In every ending, there is a beginning. Like spring, it adds something new to us, something to look forward to. something that will make us better people and bring us more happiness!

May you all have a safe and healthy long weekend!