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Welcome to new Shooting Star class-Shooting Star-April 3rd-7th

新しいShooting Starクラスへようこそ    Sooting starクラス 4月3日から7日より



A fresh new school year for Shooting Star class has begun. We started our week by spending time getting to know our teachers and friends well. We spent most of our moments playing together inside and outside the classroom. Our main goal for this week is to have fun with teachers and friends and we did it through chit-chatting, singing, playing, and eating lunch together.

Shooting Starクラスの新年度が始まりました。今週は先生やお友達を良く知るために時間を過ごしました。大半の時間を教室内、また屋外で一緒に遊びました。今週の目標は先生や友達と楽しむことでした。みんなお喋りしたり、歌ったり、遊んだり、一緒にランチを頂きました。

As we moved up to our next level, we would also want to develop our maturity by embracing the learner profile. We want to be reflective, knowledgeable, inquirers, caring, open-minded, risk-takers, communicators, thinkers, principled, and balanced. Yes, we made our own essential agreements in the class based from our learner profile to help define our responsibilities that will go beyond our academic success.


Let’s create a wonderful memory for this school year. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
