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We share our culture and history with others

The Upper Elementary class continued the investigation of their Central Idea this week. They are now positive that nations of the world do share a common desire to make Planet Earth a better place and they are discovering new ways in which everyone at the school can make their classroom, the school and the community a better place.
The students have started by helping their 5 and 6-year-old friends in Milky Way and Rainforest classes with their reading. This takes up only 5 minutes of their time four days a week, but the other students seem to really appreciate the help. They have also worked on sorting the many new books received in the school library in categories. The categories are junior fiction, non-fiction, Japanese, teacher reference, reading series books and novels. By doing so, the students are not only helping the school and making the library a better place, but also learning about literature and self-organization.
The students have also started their own goal sheets and aim to think of and follow a personal goal every day. Some of the students decided to try to talk quietly in the hallway, sit nicely during their lesson or run faster during their track practice time.
The unit line of inquiry 2, which was studied this week, is “A nation is a group of people with a shared history and culture”. Everyone seemed to enjoy learning about their own nation through watching videos and in-class discussions on Japan and Japanese culture and history.
Hopefully the next week is as sunny and bright as this one.
アッパーエレメンタリークラスは、今週は、先週に引き続きセントラルアイディア(Central Idea)の探求をしました。児童たちは、『世界の国々が地球をよりよい場所にする共通の願いを持っている』ことを確信し、皆でクラスルーム、学校、コミュニティをより良くしていく方法を探し始めました。
Milky WayとRainforestのクラスの5歳、6歳のお友達に、本を読むお手伝いをすることにしました。週に4日、毎日たった5分ですが、Milky WayやRainforestのお友達たちは、とっても嬉しそうです!
さらに、今週は、unit line of inquiry 2(探求概念2)”A nation is a group of people with a shared history and culture”を学びました。みんな、日本や日本文化・歴史についてディスカッションをしたり、ビデオを見たりして、自分の国についてとても楽しんで学んでいました!