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Did you know . . . ? No, you didn’t?!? Well, now you do!

Have you ever found yourself walking down the street, wondering: “What exactly does a mail carrier do?” Or perhaps you’ve frequently pondered the nature of paramedic work, as so many other people have. Does the term “speleologist” just boggle your mind?!? Well, if ever there was a time to answer such pressing questions—that time is now! Just head on down to the 1st grade corner, and find those answers with our “Did you know?” poster. Your brain will be happy that you did.
Continuing with our Central Idea—that “jobs are essential for communities”—we addressed our Line of Inquiry 1 (“there are many different kinds of jobs”) by perusing a plethora of books about jobs from the ISN library. The 1st grade students found pictures of different jobs that captured their interest and read about them. We compiled the images and wrote short blurbs about each job, and then created our poster. The sheer number of jobs out there in the big, wide world just fascinated us!
The 1st grade students also continued experiencing more firsts this week when they had their first gym class together with the Upper Elementary students. They had a lot of laughs, strengthened their friendships with the older students, and played well together.
Did you know that?
Well . . . now you do!
街を歩きながら、ふと、『郵便配達員』はどんな仕事をしているのか疑問に思ったことはありませんか?救急医療隊員はどんな仕事かと考えたことはありませんか? 洞窟学者って何? このような不意の質問に答える機会があったとしたら、今がチャンスです!グレード1のクラスに貼ってある”Did you know?”ポスターで答えを見つけられますよ。
“よい社会である為に仕事は必要不可欠である”というセントラルアイディアの続きを行いました。ISNの図書館にある仕事に関する多くの本を読み、Line of Inquiry 1 (探求概念1)“there are many different kinds of jobs(様々な職業がある。)”について取り組みました。