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Happy New Year! (Meadow-Jan.5th-7th)

明けましておめでとうございます! Meadowクラス 1月5日から7日より

Hello everyone,


A happy new year to all! We welcomed the year 2022 with a smile😊 Our little ones enjoyed talking about their wonderful memories with their families during the holiday. We started our first day being very active and spent most of the days on outdoor play. Our little ones missed their friends and they had a closer relationship playing together.


Although it was a freezing morning, we still enjoyed the outdoor play and walking outside the campus. Running around, catching their friends and teachers, and climbing on the play structures. Kids also enjoyed walking on the ground frost and touching some ice on the ground.


Our lesson topic for this month is “Vegetable”. This week, we introduced the names of vegetables and did the activity. We made the vegetable stand and cut the vegetables and inserted them in. Then we asked students to guess the vegetables they got from each pocket and asked them to say, “It’s a …carrot!”, potato! and etc. They enjoyed it very much. During lunch, our little learners find vegetables on their food and are able to name them😊

今月のレッスンテーマは「野菜」です。今週、野菜の名前を教え、レッスンをしました。野菜を紹介する教材を用意し、紙で制作した野菜を壁に設置したワオールポケットのような教材にセットしました。子供達にそれぞれのポケットにどの野菜が入っているか当てるように聞いてみると “It’s a …carrot!”, potato! and etc. などと答えてくれました。皆とても楽しんでいました。昼食時に子供達は野菜を見つけて英語で表現することが出来ています。

Music class


It has been a while that we didn’t have our music class. Our little ones enjoyed singing the “Family finger song” and Hokey pokey song ” while doing the gesture. They recalled their “ Reindeer Pokey” dance on Christmas show and did the same gesture😊

久しぶりの音楽のレッスンでした。子供達は “Family finger ” や Hokey pokey ” の歌をジェスチャーを付けながら楽しんで歌いました。みんなクリスマスショーで 同じジェスチャーで “ Reindeer Pokey” ダンスしたことを思い出しました。 😊

We had lots of fun, and a week full of energy.


Hope this year will be a wonderful year for everyone.


Keep warm and enjoy the holiday😊

暖かくして素敵な週末をお過ごしください。 😊