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Welcome to Lagoon!(August 31st-September 4th)

Hello everyone,

We have started our class two weeks ago and the children get used to their daily routine. It’s a good start for us since there are lots of fun await for the upcoming Sports Festival event. We enjoyed practicing the dance “Blast Off” and did the race.



We started the day learning about Alphabets, Numbers, Days, Months and Weather. We enjoyed singing and clapping our hands with the rhythm.


September’s Theme – Food, Drinks, Shapes, Big and Small.

This week we enjoyed learning about this month’s topic. Kids raised their hands and picked the flashcard of the food they hear and say it in front of the class. They were amazed and get motivated.


子どもたちは手をあげて前に出るのが大好き。 どんどん自信がついていきます。

Craft about Space

We made our own “alien” craft. Kids love to glue the materials on the construction paper and they were excited seeing their own work. We also made the “space” craft. It was a nice experience for them using the paint and did it by themselves. We used crayons to color the stars, moon and sun.

かわいい‘エイリアン’を作りました。 のりでぺたっと貼るのがおもしろく、もっとやりたい!という子も。絵の具やクレヨンを使って‘宇宙’も完成。 できあがった作品を見て大喜びでした(^^)

Playing outside was fun”

We spent a little time playing outside. We played in the sandpit and talked a lot with friends. We used plastic toys and make different shapes. It was a nice day to end our week.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend!
