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Rainbow October 23-27, 2017

Hi Parents,
Our youngsters are very excited for the Halloween Party. We can not wait to see their splendid costumes.
They did well in their Music Class. A few of them can clap according to the rhythm. Look! how they sat down nicely on the chair.

We had a Birthday Party for the month of October and they had lots of fun singing the Birthday Song together. Being the host of the said event, I sang Beauty And The Beast. At first, they did not know that it was me as I was wearing a mask. After I took it off, they were surprised knowing that it was actually me. They then exclaimed, Oh it’s Ms. Marlyn!

Our angels did well also in their Gym Class. They stepped on the vaulting horse and stood up like Olympic champions.

After missing the sunny days, the sun finally showed up, so we went to the park and play. Their photos could tell how happy they were!

For this week, we sang Knock, Knock, Trick or Treats which they loved singing. They liked pretending like a ghost/ cowboy/ witch/ monster/ ballerina and pirate. We read stories about Halloween. We also reviewed the shapes and the letters (Hh, Ii and Jj). It’s good to know that majority of our youngsters could actually tell the names of the letters and also tell their sound. Good job!

Have a great weekend everyone!