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Welcome to our Unit 3-Shooting Star-Oct. 9-13

Unit3へようこそ Shooting Starクラス 10月9日から13日より

Hello Everyone,


It’s so great to share with you what we have done this week in Shooting Star class.

Shooting Starクラスの今週行ったことをお知らせします。

We just set about on our third unit with our Transdisciplinary Theme, “How We Express Ourselves” and our Central Idea, “The better way to communicate with others.” For our first line of inquiry, we would like to explore on identifying and learning how to manage our feelings with activities that we are going to carry out as we go through our line of inquiry. We began our class discussion with a mind map activity. A question was thrown to students of what COMMUNICATION is and their ideas were truly surprising and the most remarkable part of their answer was the fact that the three important factors for communication which is SPEAKING, LISTENING, AND THINKING were mentioned. Good job, Shooting Star class for being sensible with your thoughts. We made a little change of our class set up. We changed the color of the wall into something pink which later on we will use for our work display. We designed a corner for our Puppet Theater where students can enjoy playing dress up and puppet show on their own to develop their communication skills. We also use this area for reading Kamishibai and other story books. As they utilize this area, a lot of communication is happening throughout their play.

Shooting Starクラスでは「どの様に自分を表現するか」という色々なテーマを含むUnit3を、そして中心となる考え方を学び始めた所です。「他の人とより良いコミュニケーションを取る方法」として探求の第一歩となります。子供達は探求を通して行う活動での感情に気付き、対処の仕方を学びます。クラスでの話し合いでは感情の図の活動を話合いました。コミュニケーションとは何かという質問を子供達に投げかけ、みんなの考えがまさに最も感心な答えが話す、聞く、考えるという最も大事な要因であるという事実は驚きです。良く理解しています。Shooting Starクラスの子供達は良く気が付いています。クラス内も少し模様替えしました。壁紙をグリーンからピンクに変え、これからそこに絵や資料を貼るなどする予定です。パペットシアターコーナーも用意し、子供達は変身の衣装を着て楽しんだりパペットショーを通してコミュニケーション能力を高める場に利用していきます。また、紙芝居やお話を聞くという場にも活用していきます。この場所を利用するにつれて、遊びを通して多くの会話が聞こえてきます。

Halloween Party is coming soon. With that in mind, we made a Halloween craft which students enjoyed making. First we chose three same color Origami papers that we preferred, folded them like an accordion then, fold the accordion in half and applied glue to one of the edges and connected them to make a face. We made three kinds of Halloween characters, pumpkin, ghost, and bat. We then cut out the face parts and glued them on the face and the outcome brought us delight seeing the result of the the Halloween character that we wanted to make.


The most exciting part of this week was our long walk to Nambu park. We did it for the first time, but it was a total success. Then, for the second time, we went back again with Milky Way class. We enjoyed picking up some acorns, watching trains go by, and playing at the play structure.


Here are the list of songs with their corresponding link that we are singing this month.


  1. Good Morning Song-
  2. Phrase Song-
  3. Jump Out Words-
  4. Monthly Song (Mickey Mouse March)-
  5. Emotion Song-
  6. Halloween Dance-
  7. Goodbye Song-
  8. CVC Words with -ig Word Family-

Please play these songs for your children to listen at home. It would be a great help for them.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
