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We made big firetrucks-Shooting Star-Feb. 13th-16th

消防車を作りました Shooting Starクラス 2月13日から16日より

Hello Everyone,


This week, Shooting Star class finished their presentation about their parents’ occupation and did their self-assessment right after. After the presentation, the class was so engaged in making two big fire trucks. The class was put into two groups and each group worked together harmoniously to accomplish the task. First, they painted a big box red and the next day, they decorated it with some apparatus that fire fighters use using recycled materials from home. It was great to see how students communicate with each other sharing their ideas on how to make an awesome fire truck after showing to them some photos of how a fire truck looks and letting them remember what we saw during our trip to the fire station to gather some ideas to put on to their work. Yes, this is how their fire trucks looked like after decorating them with some apparatus on every side of it. Amazing!

今週、Shooting Starクラス保護者の方がの職業について発表を終え、直後に自己の振り返りをしまshた。発表後、クラスで二つの大きな消防車を作るのに熱中しました。まず二グループに別れ和気あいあいと色塗りを完成させました。最初大きな段ボールを赤色に塗り、翌日それぞれが家庭から持参したリサイクル用品を使用して消防士の方々が使用する装置を飾りつけしました。子供達が互いにアイデアを出し合いながら話し合いをするのは素晴らしいことです。消防車がどの様なのかを紹介した後、みんなが消防署を訪れた時に見たことを思い出すように、またアイデアを集めて作業に取り掛かりました。そうです。これが車体の側面全部に飾りつけをした後の様子です。素晴らしいですね!

This week, we also had our school open day for parents who didn’t make it last time due to heavy snow. It was great seeing you spending time with your children observing them during reading time. Thank you so much for coming!


Finally, we had lots of fun walking to the park and playing at our favorite play structure.


Have a lovely weeked!
