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Our unforgettable visit to the Police Station-Shooting Star-Feb. 26th-March 1st

忘れられない警察署への訪問 2月26日から3月1日のShooting Starクラスより



Welcome to our last blog in February.


This week, Shooting Star class had the chance to visit the police station as part of our second line of inquiry how community helpers help us. We were all excited to get on the bus with our questions in mind. As we reached the police station, one of the Police Officers welcomed us with a big smile. He took us to one of the big rooms on the fifth floor where we settled down comfortably while he introduced himself to us and showed us the tools that he uses like Police ID card, baton, handcuffs, whistle, and key. He then gave us the opportunity to ask. We asked questions like, How Police Officers help the community? What is the baton used for? What is the police dog used for? and many others.

今週、Shooting Starクラスは、どのようにして地域の方々が私達を助けてくれるのか?という探求の第二回目として警察署へ訪問する機会を頂きました。みんな質問を用意しバスで出掛けました。到着後一人の警察官の方が笑顔で出迎えて下さり5階に案内して下さり落ち着いたところで、自己紹介をして頂き警察官が使用するもの、例えば身分証明書、警棒、手錠、笛、鍵などを見せて下さいました。そして質問の時間を頂きました。子供達は「警察官はどのように地域を守ってくれるのか?」「警棒は何に使うのか?」「警察犬はどの様に役立つのか?」など沢山質問をしました。

We thanked the Police Officer for answering our questions. He then led us back down to the first floor and showed us the police car. We got so excited when he told us that we can get in the front seat of the car. We felt like we were Police Officers at the moment. We checked around the front seat and we saw that there were tools like a microphone, radio, and safety equipment. What a wonderful experience! Finally, we took a picture and said thank you and goodbye to the Police Officer.


Hinamatsuri is coming soon and to remember this traditional Japanese festival we made a beautiful hina doll craft. We made our own dolls and we decorated them.


This week, one of the Shooting Star parents came to our class to share her job as a radio announcer. Three students got interviewed and their interview will be aired next Tuesday. It was a wonderful experience seeing a radio announcer in person and doing an instant report in front of Shooting Star class.

今週、Shooting Starクラスの保護者の方の一人がラジオアナウンサーとしてお仕事の紹介をしにクラスに来てくださいました。3人の子供達がインタビューを受け、それが来週火曜日に放送される予定です。直接ラジオのアナウンサーのお仕事やShooting Starクラスの子供達の目の前でレポートしたりする様子を拝見出来たのは素晴らしい経験でした。

It’s Phonics time! We learned the -ut word family like cut, hut, gut, and nut. We first read them as they were written on the board and followed by flashcards to understand their meaning.


Our week is incomplete without going to the park. We walked to Nambu park and had so much fun playing on a small hill with snow. And before the weekend, the snow covered the land again and we put on our snow gear and played at the schoolyard.


Have a lovely weekend!
