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Forever grateful for all the memories we made this school year-Shooting Star-March 18th-22nd

今年度の Shooting Starクラス これまでの忘れられない素晴らしい全ての思い出18日から22日より

Dear Parents and Families,


Wow, what a GREAT year! We have covered a lot of material and participated in many fun 
and exciting activities. We started to develop skills needed for the next level.


Each of your children has brought such joy and happiness to our classroom. The Shooting Star teachers were so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children this school year. They are like our own children. They all have touched our lives in very positive and rewarding ways. We hope as the years go by, we will continue to keep in touch.

子供達みんなが楽しさや嬉しさをもたらしてくれました。Shooting Starクラスの担任達は今年度、こんな素晴らしい子供達と一緒に過ごせて光栄でした。みんな自分の子供達のようでした。大変前向きで頑張る姿勢で担任達の琴線に触れる思いでした。時を経ても、連絡をとり続けられるといいですね。

It has been our pleasure getting to know not only your child, but you as well. Having parental support and open lines of communication is an essential part of any successful school year. Thank you for all you have done to make our year so fulfilling and memorable. 


As your child moves from Shooting Star to Milky Way, there are some very important things you can do to help them succeed. Engage in meaningful conversations with your child everyday. Take time to really listen to what they have to say. Read to and listen to your child read. Ask questions, make predictions, make life to text connections as you read. Help your child develop a sense of working and solving problems independently. Talk about ways and start practicing getting and staying organized. These little things will lead to big successes next year.

お子様がShooting StarクラスからMilkky Wayへ進級するにあたり、成長を促す上でいくつか大事なことがあります。毎日、お子様と深く会話をしてあげて下さい。子供達が話すことにじっくり時間をかけて耳を傾けて頂きたいと思います。本を読んであげて下さい。そしてお子様が読むものを聞いてあげてください。質問をして、そして予想をしてみて、読むものと文字の内容を実生活に結びつけて頂ければと思います。お子様と自ら自身を振り返る方法を練習をし始める様に話をして頂けるといいかと思います。これらの一つ一つのことが来年度大きな飛躍へとつながるでしょう。

Again, thank you for a wonderful year. Have a fantastic winter and see you spring!


Ms. Marlyn

Ms. Emi

Ms. Shizuka K.