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Off to the Forest-Shooting Star-Aug 28th-Sep 1st

森へ出発 Shooting Starクラス 8月28日から9月1日より

Hello Everyone,


Goodbye August and hello September!


This week is the last week of our outside water play. Now that the season is about to change and the weather is usually windy, Shooting Star class can go and play at the park again.

今週は園庭でのプール遊びも最後の週となりました。季節は涼しく変わりつつあり、天気も曇り空の日々もあります。Shooting Starクラスはまた公園で遊ぶことが出来ます。

As the Sports Festival is fast approaching, we got more rigorous with our practices. We try to remember the steps and most importantly, we listen to the teachers’ instructions and try to be reflective all the time. Yes, we try to find ways to be better.


This week’s highlight is our trip to Shiojiri Forest Center as part of our line of inquiry 2, How living creatures grow (Change). This unit of inquiry has impacted an enormous amount of interests about tiny living creatures to the mind of Shooting Star learners. We have become so fascinated about insects. The day before our visit to the forest, we did a spontaneous group discussion about what living creatures we wanted to see in the forest and we practiced a set of questions that we wanted to ask Mr. Majima, who is the person in-charge at the forest like, What do insects eat? Where do they live? Which has more insects, before or now? On the day of our visit, everyone got so excited and we already have imagined on our mind what insects we wanted to catch.

今週の最大の活動と言えば、探求Unit2の一部として、生き物がどれぐらいの寿命(あるいは変化する)のか学びに塩尻森林センターへ出掛けたことです。この探求はShooting Starクラスの子供達の学びである小さな生き物について大変関心を高めました。みんな昆虫にとても興味を持つようになりました。森へ出掛ける前日、みんな森の案内人である間島さんに What do insects eat? Where do they live? Which has more insects, before or now? などと聞く質問を言う練習をしました。出掛けた当日には、みんなおお喜びでどの昆虫を捕まえたいのか心が決まっていました。

As soon as we reached to the forest, we walked in a straight line to meet Mr. Majima. We then greeted him and had a picture together, then, Mr. Majima who was happy to meet us, led us to trek in the forest as we had the joy of catching and collecting insects such as; stinky bugs, moth, cricket, larva, and caterpillar. The butterflies and dragonflies had no escaped from us, too. We didn’t stop chasing them until we caught them up and kept them in the cage. Tracking insects down was like an exciting game for us. On our way back, we found a small park where we stopped by and had so much fun playing for a while.

森へ着くと、みんな一列になって歩き、間島さんに会いました。挨拶をして一緒に写真撮影をしました。私達の訪問をとても喜んでくださって、森を案内して下さいました。そこでカメムシ, 蛾, コウロギ, 幼虫, そしてイモムシなどの昆虫を捕まえたり採取したりして大喜びでした。蝶々ととんぼも捕まえられました。捕まえられるまで採取し続け虫かごに入れました。昆虫採集はとても楽しかったでし・帰り道、ちょっとした遊び場を見つけ、そこで休憩して暫く楽しく遊びました。

Park in the forest? Yes! There was a pirate ship there where we enjoyed playing like pirates by pulling the rope and doing treasure hunt. There was also an obstacle course and a swing where students jumped on to play in turns. At that very same place were wooden benches where we sat down to ask Mr. Majima our questions before going back to the bus stop. Thank you so much Mr. Majima for the learnings that we have gained from you. Now we know that insects were numerous before than now because of the use of spay. Finally, before we got on the bus, we went to an area where beetles are being grown and there we found numerous big and small larvae. We collected some and took them to school. It’s time for us to say, Thank you and goodbye to Mr. Majima. Everyone got on the bus and went back to school with a wonderful memory that would last for a lifetime.


Hav great weekend everyone.
